Accountability that works

I’ve already shared a little about the need for accountability in my post about manifestation and action. Today, I want to take a deeper dive into the type of accountability that works as you seek to attain a fully aligned life.

Effective accountability is always based around your own personal goals. If you want to build a life you truly love, then the things you are working towards need to be dreams that come from within you. You will only continually move towards what is in line with your true purpose, so true accountability must begin with your specific goals and intentions in mind. Once you have this as your foundation, accountability should be:


Accountability that works is clear in its purpose. When you have someone holding you accountable for the goals you’ve set forth, they need to know exactly what they are holding you accountable to. Specific, measurable accountability will truly move you toward your deepest purpose.


Accountability that moves you forward must be consistent, and often. It is important that you know someone will be checking in with you on a regular basis.This helps you build effective rhythms of work and the habits you need for long term success. It also allows for small celebrations along the way and opportunity for redirection as needed.

Positive and Solution Focused

Negative, punitive accountability is nowhere near as effective as positive accountability. When someone is overly focused on the missteps, forward progress becomes more difficult. When you are looking for accountability, you want someone who will look at each situation through a positive lens. When excuses or issues arise, you want someone who will help you problem solve and get unstuck, instead of someone who will beat you while you are down. Your accountability partner should come with someone who has a truly positive energy so that you too can build a positive energy.

Accountability is critical to long term success, but the right kind of accountability can be the difference between a bumpy, rough journey and a positive, joyful journey. If you are looking for the kind of accountability described above, consider joining my next round of Clarity Shift. Let’s keep you accountable to finding true clarity in your life. For more information, head on over here!